Arethia-Application Form

Oct 22, 2011 02:51

Title: Arethia- The Miracle
Author: 10fan_ryuu_hsj
Pairing(s): Various 
Rating: PG-15 
Genre: Romance,Fluff,Fantasy,Semi-Violence,Semi-Angst
Summary: Five very different boys get pulled into a alternate, mystical world, Arethia, with five very different girls. Together, they embark a journey to find a way back to Earth, and help Arethia live. Will they manage to get along and complete their mission? Will they find out why Takaki has always been so cold? Why Chinen is always so chippery? Why Juri seems to not want to leave Arethia? Together, they find out what love, friendship, is and learn how to love the best thing of all--Mother Nature.

Rules & Info For Applying- 
1. Everyone who applies gets a part, it probaply won't be a main part but it will be a small part.
2. I'm not writing this till December, or January. 
3. December 1st 2011 is the deadline for this application.
4. Please apply. ^_^
5. And if you get a main part please read this story! (: 
6. There are only 5 partners you can apply for(Ryosuke Yamada, Chinen Yuri, Juri Tanaka, Takaki Yuya, Ryutaro Morimoto) 
7. Good Luck!
8.I already chose the oc's personalities.

Application Form- 
Japanese Name: *please include last name & don't do this if applying for Juri's partner*
Magical/Unique Name: *only do this if applying for Juri's partner*
Other Ichiban: ex: Miura Haruma, Kazuya Kamenashi, etc.
Wanted Partner(choose 2 please):
A catch phrase you say a lot:
Apperance: *Just describe it to me, I need to see if it matches with the personality's I have picked*

For the person you apply for I will ask you a question that goes specifically with them.

-I have the ichiban section for the people who don't get a main part, I might be able to include you and your ichiban(not one of those listed above) as love interests-

Note: It will be a long time till I write this. I have to finish up 3 requests, then I will work on this, remember you have until December 1st to apply! Good luck to all appliers. ^_^ 

title:arethia, application form

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