Dec 16, 2006 03:58
Title: Didn't Learn the Last Time
Fandom: Fruit Baskets
Theme: 2 Food Fight
Characters: Yuki Souma, Kyou Souma, and sprinkling of others
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own Fruit Baskets
Summary : (AU)
The Souma’s didn’t learn the last time, when Yuki and Kyou were left alone to their own devices. Unfortunately, this time, they’re caught in the center of one of their fights.
Didn’t Learn the Last Time
Yuki sighed and clenched his chopsticks as he picked at the small bowl of leek soup. That blasted cat was running off at his mouth about the serving of leek again. Earlier he had a start of a headache, which he informed Tohru of and she served leek for lunch in order to make him feel a bit better. Yet, that annoying neko Kyou just would not be quiet for the life of him. His headache was increasingly getting worst by each word out of the cat’s mouth. A small gasp from Tohru informed him that his grip on the chopsticks were threatening enough to break the wood.
Remembering what he did before to shut the cat up, he stood up quickly and grabbed Kyou by the collar lifting him up. Then with a quick hand, he grabbed Kyou’s chopsticks, dipped it into the soup, and then shoved the leeks into his mouth. Yuki then dropped said cat and returned to his meal, thanking the moment for silence. Smiling a bit as he imagined his rival’s expression on his face, he continued his meal. Amazingly enough his headache had dissipated a little from the immediate quiet. Unfortunately, he never expected retaliation from the orange haired youth beside him.
Kyou snapped as soon as he sat down to lunch, leek soup greeted him with a warm aroma. Which immediately made him sick to his stomach, leeks reeked havoc on his nose, affecting also his taste buds. Trying not to hurl from the disgusting smell, he instead made his dissatisfaction known. This was probably revenge from that damn mouse for his harmless jokes last week. Knowing how much he can’t stand leeks, he probably convinced Tohru to make the soup with some easy lie. How dare he trick and drag the naive Tohru into their battles! So, he continued to complain about the leeks, hoping Tohru would see the light. Glancing over he noticed that Yuki had succeeded to him knowing of his little plan. Kyou grinned inside while continuing to yell, missing Tohru’s small warning gasp.
What he wasn’t expecting was Yuki yanking him up and shoving leeks into his mouth, forcing him to swallow the disgusting vegetable. Then sitting down without so much as by your leave, eating like he didn’t do anything. Now, he had done that once before to him, Kyou remembered the moment quite vividly. The last time he had made a promise, that if that mouse ever did that again, he would have revenge. Looking down at the soup of disgusting vegetables, and evil idea hatched in his cunning mind. With reflexes that come with tons of practice, he scooped the bowl of warm soup up and flung it’s contents onto the silverfish grey haired youth. What Kyou didn’t notice was the familiar tick of warning that began near Yuki’s eye.
With a flash Yuki reached across the table and grabbed Shigure’s meal, leaving his chopsticks dangling. Then he tossed it behind him with accuracy hearing the satisfying splash of a hit. A small laugh escaped the only female at the table as she laughed at the spectacle they both were at sight.
Kyou blinked at stared at his rival with something akin to respect and grabbed the closest plate of rice balls. Easily picking one at a time and throwing it at the surprised rat youth. "Fight!" Kyou yelled, throwing another only to have it caught.
"Food fight?" Yuki questioned while flinging back the caught rice ball and picking another dish of items off the table. A small laugh escaping him as the plum sauce dotted the cat youth. Then it became an all out war as both Tohru and Shigure slipped out of the room.
"Food fight." Kyou agreed as he picked up the pickles sitting to the side. The green juice splashing adventitiously on the rat youth, laughing all the while. Some how, this fight was one of fun, instead of anger that they normally had. Kyou let out a loud slice of laughter as he scored some sauce on the nose of the rat youth, who retaliated with a toss of rice and oranges. The pair’s laughter was heard for hours after along with the flinging of leftovers and such.