Title: Sweet Author: rgbrobbie Pairing: Angelo/Jessica Fandom: Dragon Quest VIII Themes: #5 - Strawberry Jam; and #78 - Body Art Rating: R Disclaimer: These toys are the property of Square Enix and Akira Toriyama, but I like to play with them.
Title: Piece of You Author: SeraphJewel Pairing: Elias/Jessica Fandom: Dragon Quest VIII Theme: #15. photograph; #46. loneliness Rating: G Disclaimer: Don't own DQ8 or the characters
Title: The Morning After Author: princeivy Pairing: Ryuichi Sakuma x Sakano Fandom: Gravitation Theme: #5- Strawberry jam Rating: PG Disclaimer: Gravitation and its characters do not belong to me.
Title: A Question of Taste Author: rhianwen_24601 Fandom: The Incredibles Pairing: Syndrome/Mirage Theme: #5 - strawberry jam Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, they don't like me. Notes: Fairly AU, in that I don't recall there being any miniature hybrids of these two running around in the movie. Although, it would have been cute... XD
Title: Breakfast Author: twilightsrain/edenbound (ficjournal) Pairing: Seifer Almasy x Squall Leonhart Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII Theme: #5 Strawberry jam Rating: K/G Disclaimer: They're not mine.