Title: Hand of Days
Author: Devin Harris (
Pairing: Angelo/Jessica
Fandom: Dragon Quest VIII
Theme: #71 - Divine Image
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Alas, the world and characters of Dragon Quest VIII belong to Square Enix and Akira Toriyama. If they were mine, there would have been more sex and more blood.
Notes: Post-game.
The first day, the fever is a mere nuisance. Angelo tells Jessica to stay in bed, and silences her protests with kisses.
The second day, he tries to heal her. The fever resists both his magic and the apothecary's potions.
The third day, she doesn't know him. Angelo isn't sure which is worse, the hours she spends crying out for her brother, or the times she is deathly silent.
The fourth day, he learns the answer.
The fifth day, he finally leaves her side. When they come to bring him the news that the fever has broken, he is on his knees before a statue of the Goddess, tears on his cheeks.