Title: Always know
animethief92Pairing: Edward Elric/Roy Mustang
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Theme: #007-Blossom; #008-Chrysanthemums
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own FMA
Edward stared at the chrysanthemums that had begun to blossom all over they gardens. He could walk along sidewalks where little homes would have their own small gardens and they would be overflowing with chrysanthemums.
Ed loved the flowers for their beauty, but he could never bring myself to end one of their lives just so he could keep it. Ed had never told anyone how much he loved the flowers, and no one even dared to give him one anyway.
Until that morning, Edward had never smelled them before either. When he arrived at Headquarters Roy wasn't at his desk like usual, but there was a small package delicately wrapped and had a note attached with his name on it. Roy had signed it from him with a purposefully large signature so Edward would remember him since the things Ed remembered most was when Roy was obnoxious.
Ed carefully unwrapped the gift and there laid one chrysanthemum.
Roy leaned against the door with a smirk of triumph.
"How did you know?"
Roy walked to Edward and gave him a light kiss on the forehead. "I always know what you want. You can't hide it from someone like me."