Title: Ending The Game
Pairing: Sango/Sesshomaru
Fandom: InuYasha
Theme: #53 Balance (yin-yang)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any related characters.
It seemed like so long ago that everyone had fought together against Naraku. Truly, it had only been a year, but to Sango it seemed like so much longer than that. Probably because although the old group was just as close as it once had been, just now it had three new members: Sesshomaru, Rin, and Jaken. They had taken her by surprise, really. The last person she had ever expected to join their side was Sesshomaru. But, he did, and now he spent so much time around the dead village with her that it seemed as though he were always there. Odd how he now had a sort of respect for her, even with his deep hatred of humans.
“What are you looking at, taijiya.” Sesshomaru’s deep voice broke her out of her spell. She blushed. She hadn’t realized that she had been staring at him. That seemed to happen a lot lately.
Turning away, she said, “Nothing.”
“You were looking at me.”
She smiled before turning back towards him, “If you already knew the answer, why did you ask?”
“You watch me often.” He was watching for her reaction through slanted golden eyes.
Her heart skipped a beat, but she forced it calm, “And to know this, you must be watching me.”
Calmly, she waited for his reaction. Or, that’s how she hoped it would appear. In reality, her heart was thudding against her chest. What would be his reply? “You are correct, taijiya.” He took a step forward. It was menacing. In reply, she took a step back. “When will we stop playing this game, ningen?”
Sango looked down, and then out the window to where Rin was playing with a handmade ball, then she brought her gaze back to him, “What game?”
She was backed against a wall and his arms were pinning her to it. Slowly he dipped his head towards her, a curtain of silver blocking all views of the outside world, “The game where you look at me, then look away when you see me notice. The game where I look at you, then look away when you notice. The game that we’ve been playing for the past half a year.” His lips were an inch away from own and getting closer, “When will this game end?”
Few thoughts went through her mind, although it was racing faster than it ever had before. “Now,” she threw her arms around him at the same time that his lips crashed upon hers. It was a mess as they both fell back, Sesshomaru hitting a table, Sango knocking down tools, but neither noticed.
“Ahem,” both glanced up at that. Jaken stood in the doorway, looking quite perturbed, while Rin giggled, “Please save this behavior for when… I am not around.” He exited, Rin following still giggling.
“We ended the game,” she breathed, looking at the demon lord in question.
“No. Its only just begun.”