Story : Prompt # 127 - Caught: Two

Aug 19, 2011 10:00

Title - Caught: Two
Part One - HERE
Prompts - 127 - ride_fly_free
Comments - For Charis in thanks for her lovely fics :)

Mike felt owned.  Laying across his bunk, still hog tied and sore.  Jake ran a lazy finger down his back, touching but not undoing the rope.

‘Now you’re mine’ Jake soundly smacked his rump.  He sounded satisfied by the thought, Mike groaned and tried to move. Eventually Jake helped him get untied.  Moving woke up aches, he’d been rode hard.  At the time though he’d felt so free, flying high despite the rope.

'I’m yours’ he muttered, then punched Jake having noticed his brand. ‘And you’re mine’ he bent to bite his lover, teeth and mouth leaving clear ownership marks.


127 - ride_fly_free, author: meep, story

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