Title: Darkness and Light
lilydahliaRating: PG-13 for vampire related things
Prompt Set: 50.3
Prompt: 46 - Dinner
Word Count: 462
Summary: Is Daphne a vampire? Blaise wants to know...and gets all the wrong answers.
Notes: Based off the wonderful characters of J. K. Rowling. Thanks to
wannabedesigner for the beta.
"I'm not hungry," she said, pushing her plate aside for the second night in as many weeks as he had been over to her place. He'd not seen her in daylight for nearly a month now. She'd taken to staying in doors at all times. The blinds were tightly closed and all of the drapes in the bedrooms and other places in the manor were also drawn shut.
"This can only mean one of three things," Blaise mused, swirling his white wine around in his wine glass. "You're upset, you're pregnant or you're a vampire. Which is it?"
Daphne took a breath and stared at him, seeing every line of worry in his face. What was she going to tell him? The truth?
"You know I went to Transylvania?" she asked, picking up her glass.
Blaise gave a nod.
"I was doing research about vampires and the legends behind it," she said, staring into her glass. "I managed to meet a vampire, Blaise. And he turned me."
"Did you ask for it?"
"No! Of course I didn't! I'm not that bloody stupid!"
"Then you should know how to undo this, right?" he asked, arching a brow.
"There isn't a way that I know of," she sighed.
"Do you...you have to drink human blood, don't you?" he asked, slightly afraid of the girl that he thought he might one day marry.
"I...yes," she said. "But not all the time."
"Do you have a soul?"
"That's just a legend," she replied. "I'm not any different than I was, I assure you."
"And stakes, garlic and crosses?"
"Stakes will kill me...if they are through the heart, garlic is just as annoying as it was before, and crosses don't bother me in the least," she replied calmly.
"How does one become a vampire?" he asked downing his glass of wine and pouring another.
"A blood exchange," she said.
"Then you did it willingly."
"You can't really not drink if it's offered," she countered. "Would you just die when you had a wrist held to you mouth? I don't think so."
"Daphne, I don't know how to take this," Blaise said after a few moments. "If there's no way to save you from this, then perhaps it's best if we don't see each other anymore."
"You can't be serious!"
"I'm perfectly serious. If you find a cure, then please owl me; but otherwise, don't bother," he said as he rose from the table. "Dinner was delicious. Thank you for inviting me. I wish you the best of luck, Daph."
"Blaise...please don't go," she said, her voice filled with emotions she couldn't name. "I don't want to go through this without you."
"You have no choice, love," he replied and Disapparated with a pop.