All in.

Aug 26, 2009 15:30

Today marks an historic occasion.

i am disassembling my PlayStation 3.

i am pulling apart the blu-ray lens drive.

i am cleaning it by hand.

and i am becoming a video-gamer once more!

and with one bottle of alcohol and some microfibers... i will save myself $145 and time wasted!

i will cry "NO MORE!" when my brain leaps to thoughts of expensive repair bills, and long, drawn out shipping dates!

i will chant like i alone am a horde of powerful, angry technophiles! foaming at the mouth, and booming with a choir-like voice!

"FREEDOM!" i shout, disposing of the tyranny that repair bills demolish our hopes with!

"FREEDOM!" i cry, casting off these shackles, as a once weary man now becomes a sage!

"FREEDOM!" i bellow, as knowledge becomes currency, and i, the richest man in town!

"FREEDOM!" i call out, echoing off the corporate structures that have tied my peoples hands for far too long, and ricocheting into the ears and hearts of like minded peoples, who vow that one day, we will all have such power!

alone, we are but worthless dollars.

alone, we have no knowledge of how, or why.

alone, we cannot change the transpiring of events.

but together...

together, we give no quarter.

together, we whisper the ways of the cogs.

together, we can undo the annals of history.

together, we fight back as one!

a call to arms, ye of the PS3 clan!

lay down your wallets!

crack open your glossy black shells!

and drink from the blood of the blu-ray lens!

for tonight...

we dine...

in hell!!!
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