Title: Brothers Author: fairymage Disclaimer: Mmm... When CLAMP comes out to California, I'll try to convince them to give me CCS. In the meantime, it's still theirs. Theme: #17-The Duty of Siblings, #18-Straight Perm Fandom: Card Captor Sakura Pairing: Touya/Yukito Rating: G
Title: Date Arc: Left Behind Arc Ch. 32 Disclaimer: I don't own FMA or GW Theme: #18- Straight perm; #34- 2-seater; #92- Person of fictitious Fandom: Gundam Wing/Fullmetal Alchemist Pairing: Duo Maxwell/Edward Elric Rating: PG-13
Title: Baby Author: clarinetkoko Disclaimer: I do not own Kurogane or Tomoyo, who belong to CLAMP. Theme/Challenge: #39 Playing House Fandom: Tsubasa RC Pairing: Tomoyo/Kurogane Rating: PG Words: 100 just