[Drabble] Things they didn't say {Castle}

Jan 08, 2012 21:39

TITLE: Things they didn't say
FANDOM: Castle
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy

CHARACTER: Kate Beckett, Richard Castle (Castle/Beckett implied)
GENRE: pre-het, angst

SUMMARY: Kate couldn‘t take her eyes off of him ... Written for challenge 3x10 # "Feast" for tvrealm.

WARNING: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd. Spoiler for episode 4.07 "Cops & Robbers"
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters. I just borrow them from time to time to have some fun with them.


Kate couldn‘t take her eyes off of him. He‘d noticed this all evening; ever since they‘d left the precinct together. Martha had insisted on celebrating the happy ending after this bank robbery and they‘d thrown together a quick but delicious meal.
It was strange to be watched by her constantly but Richard knew better than making fun of her worrying. Besides, he was still shaky himself.
During dinner they didn‘t mention the bank and it wasn‘t until the others had left that Kate spoke out loud what she must‘ve been thinking all night.
„I thought I‘d lost you,“ she said quietly, her voice shaking.
Richard looked up from this glass, his eyes locking with hers, and for a long moment he didn‘t say anything (didn‘t know what to say), too overwhelming was the sensation Kate‘s words had left him with. It wasn‘t so much as what she‘d said but what she didn‘t.
Then he just stepped forward and pulled her into a tight hug, ignoring her body stiffen.
„I will never leave you, Kate,“ he whispered into her hair. „Don‘t you ever forget this.“
And again, it wasn‘t what he didn‘t say that finally helped her (and him) to relax.

- The End -

{feature} kate beckett, {format} drabble, {fandom} castle, {community} tvrealm, {feature} kate_richard, {feature} richard castle

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