[Drabble] Surprise {Lost}

May 13, 2011 21:47

TITLE: Surprise
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy

CHARACTER: Jack Shephard / Juliet Carlson
GENRE: het, humor

SUMMARY: Jack, there's something under the bed ... Written for prompt #09 "Movement" for the 20in20 challenge at lost_land.

WARNING: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd. Spoiler for season 6
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters. I just borrow them from time to time to have some fun with them.


"Jack, there's something under the bed." Juliet shook him awake, but Jack only moaned. He was too tired for her childish there's-a-monster-under-the-bed-fantasies. They'd done this two nights in a row now, but this time, Juliet seemed to be right. When she stopped killing his shoulder, Jack, too, heard the noise coming from under him.
Signing, Jack left his warm bed to take a look. When he reappeared a few minutes later, covered in dusk, he held a brown thing in his hand. "I think I found David's hamster," he told Juliet, bursting into laughter.

- The End -

{feature} juliet_jack, {fandom} lost, {feature} jack shephard, {format} drabble, {community} lost_land, {community} 100_tales

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