[Drabble] In Peace {Crossing Jordan}

Oct 16, 2010 21:05

TITLE: In Peace
FANDOM: Crossing Jordan
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy

CHARACTER: Garret Macy
GENRE: gen, angst

SUMMARY: Even on this mountain, in the middle of nowhere, Garret isn't afraid of dying ... Written for prompt #012 "Sunset" for 100_tales and challenge #24 for caseland.

WARNING: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd. Spoiler for the series finale!
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters. I just borrow them from time to time to have some fun with them.

As darkness rose above them, covering the white mountain in deep black, Garret felt himself changing.
He was still afraid and scared, but at the same time he felt himself relaxing. It was odd to feel calm when your whole body was hurting, burning up, signaling that you were dying.
Garret wasn't afraid of dying. Death was something he was dealing with every day.
Death didn't scare him. But what scared him was that he would be dying soon, while there was still so much left to do, so many things to say.
And yet, he was calm.
He didn't want to die, but being with friends, with the one true family he'd ever had made it easier. He wouldn't be alone in these last hours - like he'd never been alone again, ever since he'd met Jordan and the others. His friends, his family.
He just hoped they would get rescued soon to go on with their lives.
He knew they would - even if they'd to do it without him ...

Slowly, Garret turned his head to look into the darkness - so black that it'd take your last hope away, but to him it was just bright and friendly.
And calming.

- The End -

{fandom} crossing jordan, {feature} garret macy, {format} drabble, {community} 100_tales

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