Title: Permission Granted
Fandom:Criminal Minds
Characters:Special Agent Dr. Spencer Reid/JJ
Prompt:02. Bad
Word Count:687
Warning: (if applicable)Kidnapping trigger
Summary:Spencer gets special permission to protect Elizabeth Conners after her mother escapes custody
“She is definitely guilty of something.” JJ said. She sat across from Spencer, watching him with the victim's little sister. Lizzie Conners hadn't said anything since they'd taken her from her mother. Well, as far the woman knew she hadn't. “I just can't believe it...”
“There are some sick people in the world...” The young man said. Dr. Reid watched his charge as she colored. “Lizzie, what are you drawing?” He inquired.
Lizzie just shrugged. She was curling her soft brunette curls around her small fingers of her free hand, humming. She didn't seem interested in anything they had tried to give her in consolation for ripping her away from her family. Truthfully, JJ didn't blame her. The girl must be so conflicted about the whole situation right now.
JJ locked eyes with Spencer as the other agent's phone began to ring. This was the call her colleague and friend had been sitting around, waiting for. He stood, and JJ moved to take his place near the child. While Lizzie didn't talk to them, she did seem to feel most comfortable with an agent nearby. “Go.” She mouthed.
“Be back.” Spencer returned just as quietly, as he turned to leave the room.
Spencer listened to what the agency had to say, before he spoke. It sounded promising, but he just wanted to make sure he'd heard it right. “So you're saying that I've gotten permission, then?” He tucked a stray hair behind his ear.
“Yes.” The woman on the end said. “However, it's only temporary. I do hope it's understood how we feel about children being involved in criminal investigations, Agent Reid.”
“Of course. We don't either.” Spencer replied. He winced at how defensive he sounded. Not very professional of you, Spencer. He chided himself. “I'm sure she'll be grateful to not be in a Home. She's confused enough as it is.”
“I don't blame her.” The woman's tone softened. “You will keep us updated?” She asked then. “If something happens to her mother, I'd like to think you'd do the right thing.”
And who says the right thing is to turn her over to the state? Spencer thought silently, but said nothing. “Yes, of course.” He repeated. The agent was ready to get off the phone, and get back to his young charge. “I'll be in touch.” Spencer said, hoping the note of finality in his voice was clear.
“Thank you.” The caller hung up.
Spencer pocketed his phone, returning to the holding room. The scene that met him was almost comical. JJ was trying to comfort the little girl, who'd suddenly become inconsolable. She was screaming and crying, trying to get out of the room. And she kept calling for her mother. With sigh, Spencer opened the door, and picked her up. “Hey, there..” He was amazed at how quickly she quieted down once he had her in his arms. “What happened, JJ?”
“I'm not sure, really. She went ballistic the minute you walked out of the room.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “Good news, I take it?”
“Yeah, she can come home with me.” Spencer said. “They're going to fax the rest of the paperwork over tomorrow. Stiffs, those child agency workers.” He added as he started to gather the few things they had for the little girl.
“Well, that's good.” JJ said. She started helping him. “Here's her sweater. It's a bit chilly..”
“Here, Lizzie, put this on for me, okay?” Spencer said, handing the child the fleece white garment. She wordlessly put the sweater on, fumbling briefly for the sleeves. “You're going to come stay with me for a bit, okay?”
“Mama?” Elizabeth asked. She glanced up him, her big blue eyes pleading for an answer she'd like to hear.
“Not yet.” Spencer said. He glanced at JJ. “I'll call you later.” He took the little girl's hand. “Come on, Lizzie.”
“ 'kay, 'pencer.” The child followed him quietly.