Title: Promises
Rated: R, for violence
Word Count: 100
Characters: Gojyo/Hakkai
Suggested by: Megadeth, 'Promises', The World Needs a Hero, 2001
I *know*, before I wrench the door open.
I *felt* it.
Too late--I'm too goddamn *late*--
Bodies litter the floor. Villagers--those who tossed 'queer', uglier words whenever we'd pass.
He's slumped against the cupboard, life bleeding from his torn stomach, green eyes dull, glassy.
The knife he grips belongs to one of them.
"There...are more--they'll kill you too--"
His dying eyes urge me to run.
I stay kneeling beside him--he knew I would.
Bloody fingers trail across my cheek. "I...will meet you in...the next life," he smiles.
I catch his hand, press it; angry voices swell outside.
"I promise," he sighs.
And I fight my last in vengeful fury.