Talentless Jerks. Seriously.

May 23, 2007 08:12

I went to the Spring Festival last night.  Oh my Lou.  It was a very interestingexperience.  So please excuse while I rant for a moment. UUGGHH!!
So first there were somedances, which were good.  I like the dances- we've got a lot of talented dancers at our school.  Then Haija and James sapin got up to sing and play piano.  Oh dear Lou.  It was really bad.  I mean, they were on key- but that was about it.  So I'm asking- why did they perform?  Okay- Mrs. P says we can't have a talent show here because of some rubbish about how it wouldn't actually be "talent" and how it would be a disgrace to the arts department.  So what was that last night?  seriously.  It was not good.  It was sad.  I felt bad for them.  Ugh.
So then- some more dances, Matt did his momologue (very well!! I'm so proud of him.) and then Bridget MAitland sang this song from "Dreamgirls."  You, know, I like Bridget.  she's a very sweet girl who has a good voice I think.  So anyway- I was ecited to hear her sing.  But then the music comes on and its not a performance track.  Its a track of Beyonce singing the song.  Bridget sang along.  WHAT?!?!?!  that's like worse than a talent show!!!  I couldn't even hear her singing!  Just Beyonce.  But of course, because a lot of (Ahem, black) people knewthe song and Bridget, they went absolutely insane in the audience.  she got a S.O.  WHY???  I coudn't hear her singing.  I what I did hear was not worthy of an S.O.  I don't know why she was up there without a performance track, but I do know why she got such an enthusuastic response.  Because she's black.  And that pisses me off.
So to sum up my rant- lets just have a talent show for all the untalented people, so the talented ones can perform at the Spring Concert.

Anyway- american Idol Finale tonight.  cant wait.  Its going to be fantastic.  I dont really have anything left to say.  except...
I know something you don't know!!! Hahahahahaha.   this is very amusing- especially the reactions of Jackie and Quinn when I say this.  i know something you don't know!!!!

Now read my writing prompt for today- Message in a bottle.

To Whom It May Concern:

Congratulations.  You have received the first message in a bottle that I sent out.  I intend to send out very many, ranging on points that I find important.  I expect that these letters will become very valuable one day, and this is the very first, so hold onto it, because it too will be very valuable one day.

Today I have chosen to rant on people that are judgmental.  I realize, this may be hypocritical, because everyone can be judgmental sometimes, even myself.  But I wish to address this issue anyway.  Judgmental people suck.  They really do.  I mean, why do you hate me if you don’t even know me?  Or anything about me?  How are you going to assume that I think in a certain way or think a certain thing?  I don’t understand how people can hate based on a lie; whether this lie is deliberate or subconscious.  It’s just stupid.  So don’t judge people or assume that they think something about you, because they probably don’t.  You probably just want to hate them and need an excuse.  So seriously.  Just stop judging people.  Or else.

Be prepared for further instructions.



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