I am dumb... not in the stupid way, in the mute way

May 22, 2007 08:14

I am mute today, for I have lost my voice.  Stupid alergies.  Seriously, why?  Why must I lose my voice?  ITs very upsetting.
Last night was BATB practice.  that was... interesting.  First me and MAtt walked in and there were these REALLY TALL girls standing there.  It was like, woa- they are TALLLLL!!!!  They had to be at least 6'6".  It was crazy.  So then we went and sat down and scoped everyone out.  One of those guys, was so gay- my gaydar went off just LOOKING at him.  It was quite amusing.  Speaking of gay, Michael Gant was ther and sat with me and MAtt.  whY? I don't know.  We're addicting I suppose.  Anyway- it was mostly just an introductions thing and then we got measurements done.  This one kid, chris was so crazy.  He needed an off switch.  he kind of creeped me out.  Seriously.  And I met one of the Tall Girls.  Her name is Cara.  And I met Sam, not me someone else, and she looks like Jackie from That 70's Show, but she was also very nice and had some awesome yellow chucks.  Matt and I had fun overall, we always do.  He's so amazing.
Innywho- I missed Heroes last night because of it, might I did catch the last 10 minutes and it was SO SWEET.  I love that show.  But Sylar isnt dead. OH MY GOSH SYLAR ISNT DEAD!!!!!!!!  GAAAHHH!!!!  
all my proxys are blocked here.  I give them some props, they are very thourough.
I guess I should write a review or something now, although I dont really feel like it.
Good morn, my chickens!!


not really feeling anything, happy

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