'Minor Characters' Challenge: "Other Voices, Other Rooms" (8 Gen drabbles, PG)

Nov 12, 2008 09:21

Title: Other Voices, Other Rooms
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Andrea, Emily, Andy, Father Gregory, Molly, Clint, Corbett, Hope (Gen, Drabbles)
Rating: PG
Summary:(Spoilers up to 4x08) A series of outside POVs across all four seasons.
Disclaimer: Neither Supernatural nor its characters belong to me.
Author's Notes: Written for the 100_ghosts "Minor Characters" challenge. There were so many obvious secondary characters that I decided to bypass those and go even farther out and do passing one-shot characters instead.
The title comes from a song by Janis Ian.


They don't sacrifice their own, they've never done that
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