The End of Days

May 17, 2012 11:38

Title: The End of Days, Chapter 11
Author: Griddlebone/eggplantlady
Prompt: #057 - the old woman as troublemaker
Fandom: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
Genre: Divergence/AU/Post-Apocalyptic
Word Count: 270
Rating: T
Summary: Even Tommy knows this is a terrible idea.
Previous installments are here.

"This is a very bad idea." Tommy did not say it, but he definitely thought it. Three months of intensive Ranger training had taught him the dangers of talking back to the Elders, so although he kept his mouth shut he allowed himself to mentally question their judgment.

Kimberly, on the other hand, seemed elated.

That, of course, was the problem. She had taken an immediate liking to him from the moment they first met. His months spent living and training in the 'Hold had done little to diminish that. And his decision to walk the line between keeping her as a friend and ally on the one side, and avoiding her increasingly inventive romantic advances - without hurting her - on the other, had him feeling like he was teetering on a razor-thin tight-rope. One push and it would all come tumbling down.

And now that he had reached an important milestone in his training, the Elders wanted Kimberly to act as his flight instructor. Everything in him screamed bad idea at the very thought of being alone with her, in the air and with no means of escape, but he simply nodded and accepted the Elders' decision... and thought to himself that Kimberly and Ms. Appleby, who had delivered the announcement in person, looked entirely too pleased with themselves.

He had the sudden impression that people in the 'Hold were conspiring against him. Knowing his luck, they were. This was probably not going to end well. He forced back a sigh.

"So," he began, "when do we start?"

As sweet and innocent as could be, Kimberly suggested, "Now?"

#057 the old woman as troublemaker

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