"If Tomorrow Never Comes", "Scarred" - Morigan/Circe. Original. Themes #14 and #19.

Mar 24, 2006 21:55

Title: If Tomorrow Never Comes
Author/Artist: laura_isaac
Pairing: Morigan Alexander/Circe
Fandom: Original
Theme: #14 - If we never meet again
Rating: G
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Laura Isaac (laura_isaac) and Rachel Herzog (assimbya) - do not use without expressed permission or I will set Edward Hyde on to you!
Dedication: To Rach; the Circe to my Morigan :)

“I love you” Morigan whispered, never breaking eye contact with her lover. Tears formed in both their eyes, silently falling down their cheeks.

“I love you too…so much… and even if he-” Circe started but didn’t finish, Morigan placing her finger on her lips and shaking her head.

“No more words… I can’t Circe… let’s just have this now…”

The kiss between the two was soft; the same easy passion that always smoldered between them; nothing hurried even though they knew that the end was near, the kiss held hope that even if the worst happened they would meet again.

Title: Scarred
Author/Artist: laura_isaac
Pairing: Morigan Alexander/Circe
Fandom: Original
Theme: #19 - Scar
Rating: G
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Laura Isaac (laura_isaac) and Rachel Herzog (assimbya) - do not use without expressed permission or I will set Edward Hyde on to you!
Dedication: To Rach; the Circe to my Morigan :)

We all have scars; some more prominent than others, both inside and out. Some are merely nicks; small cuts through accidents or incident but some run so deep that they will never heal no matter how much time passes. Scars are reminders, memories, most unwelcome, most you try so hard to forget. Morigan knows all about scars, Circe too; memories of a past neither wanted to dwell in, memories that hurt, made them who they are today but now the scars may remain but the memories are smothered by thoughts of the future, a future they would definitely spend together.
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