"Yield", "Fire" - Morigan Alexander/Circe. Original. Theme #62 - Spontaneity, #10 Firelight.

Mar 24, 2006 20:48

Title: Yield
Author/Artist: laura_isaac
Pairing: Morigan Alexander/Circe
Fandom: Original
Theme: #62 - Spontaneity
Rating: G
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Laura Isaac (laura_isaac) and Rachel Herzog (assimbya) - do not use without expressed permission or I will set Edward Hyde on to you!
Dedication: To Rach; the Circe to my Morigan :)

Morigan held Circe close, her arms around her loosely, Circe's head on her chest. The air around them was silent, calm, Circe tracing lazy patterns on Morigan's chest with her index finger; barely touching but it was enough to make the younger vampire shiver.

"Stop it, it tickles!" Morigan said lazily, moving slightly to get away.

"Really?" Circe replied, a small smirk on her face and a look in her eyes that Morigan had seldom seen. Without another word she attacked her fingers reaching everywhere they could, a low chuckle filling the air as Morigan squirmed underneath her touch, pleading for her to stop.

"Please! Circe!" she laughed, her voice choaked as she tried to get away. "I will not be responsible for my actions if you don't..." she made an attempt to swat her hands aways. "Stop!"

Circe only tickled all the more, her head bending downwards to kiss her deeply, muffling both their laughter and Morigan's pleas. Suddenly Circe froze as Morigan began to give as good as she got, her hands snaking upwards and her fingers finding her sides with just as much passion. Neither broke neither stride nor kiss.

"I did tell you to stop!" Morigan whispered, her voice thick with laughter. "That I wouldn't be responsible" she stuck her tongue out and smirked. Circe laughed, loudly before she found Morigan's tongue with her own, nipping slightly which caused her lover to wince slightly although not out of pain as blood began to pool there, blood which she took gladly.

The game continued like this for some time, the both of them trying to get away whilst simulataniously trying to win, neither submitting, laughing so hard that soon tears began to fall down their cheeks.

Finally Morigan could take no more, using the momentum that had built up in her favour she flipped them both over, pinning Circe's hands above her head tightly. They looked at each other; their breathing heavy, their laughter still ringing around the room.

"Yield?" Morigan smirked, her eyebrow raised.

"Yield" Circe chuckled, freeing her hands then from Morigan's grasp and pulling her head towards her for a devastating kiss.

Title: Firelight
Author/Artist: laura_isaac
Pairing: Morigan Alexander/Circe
Fandom: Original
Theme: #10 - Firelight; Fire; Ember
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Laura Isaac (laura_isaac) and Rachel Herzog (assimbya) - do not use without expressed permission or I will set Edward Hyde on to you!
Dedication: To Rach; the Circe to my Morigan :)

Morigan stifled a moan as Circe's hand moved downwards. Her eyes were screwed shut, her fangs biting so hard into her lip that she drew blood as she struggled not to moan, not to arch against her touch. Her hand working in Circe's hair,guiding her where she most wanted, the other pushed against the ground, their fingers interlocked so tightly that pins and needles danced up her arm and shoulders but they went unheeded. She tried to move slightly, anything to help diserpate the heat that was almost unbareable but Circe's assault was unyielding, heady, intoxicating. The fire crackled near to them, its heat adding to the rising temparature, casting their shadows on to the ground and the trees around them, the only light around for miles apart from the moon.

"Circe!" Morigan gasped, half coherant syllables and half formed words escaping her mouth as Circe continued her path, her teeth and tongue paying homage to the body beneath her as the firelight the only witness to their union kept watch.
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