May 06, 2008 16:03
hi everyone. it's been a long time since ive updated this thing.
well, first off.. i have a lot of information.
I am a little more than half way through job corps. I have completed my trade
and i have finished my Math Class, Science Class, and English class. I am currently in my senior projects till lunch and after lunch history. I am getting a little side tracked by this manga im reading online called "The Devil Does Exsist". It's a romantic kina cute high school story.
Oh we saw Edger again today in the morning to pick up his high school diploma.
For the most part i stay a t Chris's house for the weekends.. nothing else has really happened. I got my tounge pierced like a month ago.. hmm.. Baby David is already born from my boyfriend's youngest sister. (She's 19) he's very cute and adorable. :) i was reading some blogs way back back into xanga and realized how excited and funny and slightly sad it is reading your old blogs and thoughts. I'm happy i read them, but I also want to find Kayvon. Thing is, i don't know his last name and i doubt he's still online. He's probably super busy and is already working and maybe still playing in a band. He's a really smart guy that was going calculus in his junior year!! He's most likley living his life being sucessful.
I think i may be PREGesters, i do not know. i took two expensive home tests and both said negitive. I think these are flase. I did a little more reacherch online saying that to get better acurate answers to take the home test with morning urine so it is more precice. Is that is to fail, take a blood test because those are most accurate. Im a little stressed out about this but i have little saupport at the least to help me though.
Mke and chris are still dating and it will be our 1 year and six months this 30th of may.
( the name luna came after the Sailor Moon cartoon. Being sailor moon's trusty all black cat, Luna Which i pretty much named her. :) ) Luna's baby (which luna got taken away to the pound) which her baby is 2 years old (an young adult cat) alreasy had her babies!!!
so this is Luna the second im taking about. Yes, she had her kittens. Sadly, only four kittens!! Her mother had about six kittens.
there are four kittens in total. 3 black and one grey/white. I've come to a realization that when i picked up this big fat cat on the streets and took it home, thats the make cat that got luna pregnate!!
cause one of the kittens are fat like the dad and looks just like him. Kinda funny lookin'. lol
yes but im a little sad that these kittens look slightly sad and arent as rowdy as the first bunch. But none of the less still very cute. I want them to keep living on generation to generation!
I went to the fruitvale parade, it was okay. We ran into Anthony which a quick hi and Jr and his guyfriend. He didnt say much, just a friendly hello and got on us about buying pure greese. (the food) but it was delecious!
Hopefully ill start making a habit again to write in this. :3 mewmew. ttyalater!! mew byee!