
Aug 09, 2004 20:42

let me just say that i suck at the game of diligence. sitting here in my room trying to figure out how to un-cross my eyes. so far, no luck. i tried to go to the library the other day. no good. it is quite literally open 4 days a week. and what's more, they will be closed for another week due to carpet cleaning. thumbs down. multiple thumbs. all the way down. i still wait for reply and/or ant work from my city friends. or any other for that matter. possibly i am forgotten. or maybe nasty rumors pertaining to me are slithering their way about my home. that i am a smelly and unfortunately ugly hoodlum, which, i may or may not be true. none the less, i hope people still talk about me from time to time.
i went for a run about an hour ago, or should say i tried. definitely blew off into the corn field and struck three cows. count 'em. three. it was also drizzling and i got a little soggy-ish. in effort to warm up i'm sitting in my sad and squeaky computer chair, in my flamboyantly purple knitted sweater that i paid 2 dollars for at savers. lets hear it for parsimony! i have a pain in my armpit. how it got there is beyond me as i generally don't dgo bashing my armpits on things. perhaps i should start. Well, I’m going to go do something constructive. Staring at the wall here I come!
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