It is always cold here and usually I don’t mind but the Ed Studies room is in Turrets and it’s too cold. Turrets is not made for winter at all; there is not insulation. It was some summer estate for the high class and was not intended for me to ever be in during winter. I have nothing to do for work study today and I don’t feel like being overly productive; hence the update.
This past weekend Amy, Noah and I went ice skating. It was way too much fun. We went to Hamilton pond and skated until the sun went down. Amy was really good at completely wiping out and falling on her ass; she still has bruises. I fell quite a bit as well, and being a pong there was no hope of clinging to walls as in a rink. Noah, however, skated circles around both Amy and I. It was a good time and we got to cook delicious garlic pasta afterwards for the house.
This weekend there is the toboggan championship in Camden. This is the only official sport we participate in and last year we dominated. So bunches of us are going on Saturday to cheer on our teams and enjoy more snow and toboggans. Woot!
Life gets crazy as of next Tuesday when I make my way down to Manhattan for a week to be part of a UN delegation for SustainUS. New York will be fun no doubt and we are staying in a hostel which has a kitchen so that is pretty sweet. Nonetheless our policy group is dysfunctional and we still have a lot to get done before we even get there on Tuesday. And hey once I get there I really don’t know much about what I am doing- a little crazy scary because already there is a lot of policy jargon.
Since its winter or since its COA knitting has taken over. A large majority of both students and facility here knit and during ACM’s, committee meetings, lectures, movies it’s a constant clacking of knitting needles. I’ve thus far conquered the scarf but soon my plan is to knit a hat. Alyssa has successfully knit one and will soon teach me.
Also while I am gone in NY SustainUS here on campus is hosting the annual Maine climate summit. I’m kind of sad I’m missing it because I’ve done so much with the planning and I think it’ll be awesome, oh well. This reminds me of a side note- upon one of the first snows here it was decided that BT should have a snowball fight. Once we arrived it was then clarified that we would not be fighting each other; instead we would seek out other houses and attack there. It was not very successful and few were brave enough to come out and fight. However on the way up to TAB for dinner someone pointed out that our president’s office lights were still on. We began pelting snowballs at the window and eventually he opened the window and flung a bit of snow at us. No one seemed to be able to hit him and he informed us that although this was fun he had to return to his work- in that moment Mikus sent a snowball up towards the window and hit David Hales right in the face. We were all hysterical; including David Hales- thankfully there is a sense of humor around here.
Ok I’m done ranting and returning to my work; I’ll leave you with photos of snow since you may not have any and then some from my photo class.