sh0rt and g0od day!!

Mar 03, 2005 20:46

hi guys!!! whas going on! i jus got home a while ago and im here drinking ma coffee!! i love coffee its great!! heh
well we got out at 12 today! yes! short and quick day which was good. after that i didnt get to go to the movies with the gaNg cuz well i had track practice. i thought it was gonna suck but it was actually pretty cool. me mallonda cindy and ju ju were jus practice for the 4X2. then coachy brought us pizzA! yeah it was good! after that i caught like none of the softball game cuz it had started at 2 instead of 3 and so i was late. after that i went to pick up the pris's and we went to tHa mall. l0ts of hotties!! but yeah.. jus looked around and ya!

after that we were here at mt house and then alyssa shorty came and we went to subway to pick up some shit for softball tomorrow and then got coffee and now im here at home. in trouble though..i got 4 c's!! ahh horrible. so i cant work during the week anymore. o wells... gots to be doing my studies!

me and priscilla had a great alk today!! jus like the good ol days! -anways i think imma gpo start on my homework before i get in deep shit!! heh! anways everyone have a great night and good luck to who ever is running track tomorrow!!!

<3 ((maRiSa))
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