Mar 02, 2005 23:12
yes! im excited cuz my new Lj. s0rry im jus weird like that! thanks much jasmine for doing and ahh id ontknow i had some other idea but i forgot..when i meember ill let ya know!
-anyways....2 day was a great day! i ddint go to school!! heh :o) yes i know its great to stay home and so a whole lota nothing. jus watched ya know the usual... missed ya patty!
** i jus got out of work about 30 min. ago. man we were busy!! ahh suMMers coming and its gonna be horrible!! heh but fuck it money is money to get ma volks-waGon beatle!how exciting!! hehehe!! i went to track today for about 30 min cuz i had to go to work. i wanna run jv this meet cuz last meet i got buRned and im so outta shape. good for noting vball. haha.
i got coNtacts. finally i can see. but sometimes i feel like they;re all weird styLe who knows!! we took track pix today for like the yearbook.. and well i didnt bring ma one really did!! haha o well!! anyways guys imma continue reading cuz i know if i keep typing shit ill be writing who knows waht about who knows who cuz as of right now im full of anGer and hate! how awful huh! thats what some bitches do to ya! o wells!!!
<3 always!!! maRiSa!!