Apr 05, 2004 21:23
So much homework so little time. I have a big paper I need to get started on for Professor Murphy's class but I'm not sure where to begin. This year has been a whirlwind and I can't believe it's almost over. There seems to be a million things to do....and yet only a month in which to do them. As stressful as all the work may be I am very excited by all the new P&J service projects for this month. Without the bi-weekly Community Servings trips I haven't felt very involved at all this semester...aside from Spring Break...and all the projects this month seem really amazing and I can't wait to get started. Here's what the loevly officers (most especially Danielle and Meg) have come up with for April:
An Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Thursday where you can win candy or even money:) I am SO there!
Another trip to Haley House to sell baked goods...mmmmm
A Clean Up at the Franklin Park Zoo...which I would love to attend but I'm leaving for Easter that morning
Then Monday Night we are making art for the children at the St. Francis School to hang up in their classroom...I want to make a Dora picture and an Arthur one...hehe I love Arthur...shhh don't tell anybody
Tuesday we are reading letters from prisoners and packaging books together that they want to read...very different and very interesting
Wednesday the club is planting flowers with the Chemistry club..I have to remember to bring garden tools from home even though I have class during the event
Thursday night is Community Servings...finally!! They've canceled on us the last two weeks and before that it was us that had to cancel!
Friday is the Boston rescue Mission...we'll be cooking and serving food to the homeless..I love that place! Thats where I officially met Megs! Except for that time that i asked her to help me open my mailbox ...but I didn't know who she was then haha..
Then Saturday April 17th is Haley House again and then again on April 22nd
Friday April 23rd is our Peace and Justice party and sleepover...Chinese food on the club..umm where do I sign up? lol
And then the Walk for Hunger and WalkAmerica at the end of April! Talk about an active club...maybe thats why its my favorite!:)
I've done some work for my mom today and make a big dent in the book I'm reading for English "As I Lay Dying"...but its given me a good idea for another paper I have to write for that class..wooo. And now I'm going to call my mommy and start studying for an art history test...it shouldnt be bad though:)
Have you ever looked at a person for the first time...even though you've known them for a long time...and suddenly they seem more beautiful than words can express? I have started looking at the people around me and I just see so much beauty in them...physical beauty yes...but another kind of beauty as well...one that makes me want to smile everytime I see them...and wish that they were there when they aren't...people who are good for your soul are one of the greatest gofts you can be given...and I am surrounded by so many people like that. Look around you today and look deeper and harder at the people you think you know so well...
"Joel: Constantly talking is not necessarily communicating."
`Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind