So I had a pretty busy wkd........
Friday was rehersal for my sister's wedding, and bachelorette party.
This was the cake:
These were the goodies:
I won a game..but we wont say which one.
The next morning we went to get our hair done. well, I got a trim.
I put on her tiara..i felt pretty :)
Dress time!
egg was there...duh:
it was time to get married.
first dance:
best man/maid of honor.
after all that excitement..reception. which was also time for me to leave, for my prom..
did i mention I went in jeans?
Aaron looked spiffy so I had to take a picture:
I never take group pictures..ever. but heres one.
All this excitement pooped me out, and today I have to go back to school ugh. Hope everyone had a good wkd.