my cat is amazing

Aug 29, 2008 22:02

My cat has decided that her favorite place is in the sink at all times. What she does not realize.. is that sometimes I have to use said sink. When this sort of thing happens, I USED to pluck her out, set her on the ground, and use the sink, but now.. I simply turn the water on while she's still in there. Remarkably, she remains in the sink and just kind of looks at me like "what was that you just did right there?". I've done this several times now and it hasn't seemed to have had an affect on the fact that she loves sitting in the sink. Crazycrazy kitty.

Other than kitty-in-sink dilemma (not to be confused with simeon's dilemma), things are going pretty swell. I'm all settled in nowww and have most of my classes lined up.. I'm only taking 12 units, but that is not for lack of trying to take more. This school is not very cooperative where the advancement of its lower class men is concerned. I'm taking my last two GE classes this semester, as well as the WST in October, so I'll be taking upper division courses byyy the spring. I'm pretty excited and feel really good about that.

Just now in the bathroom after I had washed my hands with the cat in the sink, i turned around to dry my hands and there was A HUGE SPIDER IN MY FACE. Now. I realize this probably isn't normal behavior, but rather than kill it, I took pictures of it so that I could send them to Josh to frighten him and brag that I took pictures of it rather than kill it. Hahaha. What?

It's been hot hot hot up here lately. I think I might be melting which, combined with some other unknown illness which has appeared to put my poooor thyroid glands into overdrive (or something of the sort. there's always something with me)I'm pretty sure I'm falling apart. It's cool though. I like it this way.

I got a raise at work. And i'm pretty sure that's pretty tight especially since I just sit around and search craigslist all day and I get to completely choose my hours. I wish I worked all summer, I would be loaded right now. Haha, instead.. I nearly killed my bank account this summer =[[

OMGGOMGOGMO SIOBHAN IS FUCKING COMING UP THIS WEEKEND. it's the best news i've gotten since I came back up this summer. I cannot not not not NOT wait for her to move back up and for midnight movies to start again... because with midnight movies comes froyo, multiple visits to longs, spiked coffee, long romantic walks, saturns (milkshakes, specifically), andddd lots of tom foolery which my life has been so empty without this summer. omg. =]

Anyways, the top of my head hurts in one specific place. Maybe that spider got me afterall, who knows. Maybeeee it will be deadly. Also. I think I'm a pretty good person for fixing a problem that I unintentionally and indirectly caused. =]] This is me feeling good about it. Haha probably won't last long though.

Anyways. I need to buy cat food and front line tomorrow. Don't you let me forget!! I mean it. There was something else I needed as well, I think it was school supplies. Thus far, I only have... One binder for all four of my classes. It makes me feel really prepared.

Alright.. Now tell me how you guys are doinggg. IM me.. Cookiesofobesity (like alwaysss) and if you might be interested in befriending me on my new myspace, pleaseee let me know =]

Danke!! <3
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