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Jun 25, 2008 16:41

some cops are idiots...

so the other day i got pulled over after getting off at Collins... when he came to my window he asked the usual "do you know why i pulled you over?" and.. honestly.. i was clueless. i was going 40mph in a 35 zone, but cops usually won't pull you over until you're going 15 over. next i thought.. maybe i ran a light? didn't think so either.. apparently.. somehow i magically got my car up to 85mph somewhere between getting on the freeway at New LA Ave and getting off at Collins. This baffles me in a number of different ways.. First of all, have you seen my car? it's giant! and kind of slow to pick up speed. I'll admit, that it goes pretty fast once i've been driving for awhile, but the thought of getting it up to 80mph in less than a mile of freeway where most of it is curved.. especially with my bad brakes, is pretty ridiculous. Second, my coolant light has been going off kind of often lately, but mostly when my car is on a downhill slope. Whenever said light goes off, my eyes are immediately drawn to my dashboard. I specifically remember that when i was going down the hill after the Princeton exit and this light went off, i noticed that my speed was only around 65mph. I took special note of this because ahead of me i saw someone getting pulled over.

Anyways, i asked the cop where exactly i was speeding.. because i know i wasn't speeding going up the on ramp or going around the bend OR going downhill, so i was really confused where this happened during the short time i was on the freeway.. he told me it was at 118 at pointdexter... correct me if i'm wrong, but pointdexter ends WAY WAY WAY before it even has a chance of reaching the freeway.. so i asked him if he was sure he meant pointdexter and not princeton.. he was sure. Today in the mail, however, i received a notice of correction amending the location from 118 @ pointdexter to 118 @ princeton... Obviously this cop wasn't on top of his game that night, i'll be sure to point that out when i fight this in court.
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