Jul 12, 2006 17:25
I haven't lost hope after all. I went to a dermatologist appointment yesterday. My first appointment with a dermatologist ever...which is surprising due to the fact that acne has plagued my existence since I was about 12. I was amused at how aggravated mom got. She didn't know how to get to the offices and she hates being lost and such. When we actually arrived I had to fill out a bunch of forms. Yawn and a half. The dermatologist was nice enough...sort of cute too, to be honest. I was intensely aware that in the little time he was visiting with me he was being paid mega bucks. Hey...if I get the results I want it's all worth it. He asked me a few questions then prescribed THREE medicines. One of which is a pill. Notice I didn't say THE pill. I'm just crazy scared of swallowing pills for some reason. No worries though because I can crush this pill and sprinkle it into my yogurt or apple sauce and other such stuff. I also have two anti-bacterial creams to apply in the morning and before bed. He told me that picking at my acne didn't help but it was NOT THE CAUSE of my acne. For some reason I felt some of the pressure float off of me. If this stuff works I will be very relieved. I just hope I don't have to take all of this forever to maintain clear skin. That would suck a little cause I'm not sure that I'll be able to afford it all on a consistent basis due to the upcoming, dreaded job searches. I want (and deserve) to heal. Mom said it would be weird if my face did clear up...it would be like "why didn't I take you to the dermatologist sooner?" And I was like...maybe it's cause I wasn't ready to heal. I hid behind the acne which left me semi-secluded which gave me time to discover the true lovelyness that resides INSIDE of me.
*Dad went to the doctor and found out that he had a MILD HEART ATTACK...but he doesn't know when he had it exactly. Holy crap. My parents are falling apart.
*Mom's frazzled. I swear she brings about 92% of it onto herself. Alexis, Jeremy, and Cory are awesome in their own ways and having them visit without big Jenn makes it so much more enjoyable...but there are stresses involved that mommy did not consider. I worry about her.
*I put my two days in at the bead place so that check should make up for my rapidly vanishing hours at Mrs. Fields. THREE DAYS OFF in one week equals weak pay check. I'm so paranoid now...I'm trying not to spend anything at all. I am an amazing saver. I do however want to enjoy some of my hard earned money so I got myself a new notebook and a java-chip. The notebook's got a heart on it and it's all tie-dyed rainbow.
*I am a reading fiend. Three books at once. Re-reading the Fearless series now. So many MEMORIES.
*I am trying to expand my Love notebook. If anyone does actually read this site anymore and has love quotes or love poems comment them to me, Please. It will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. *hugs* Have a wonderful evening.