Gaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwd! XD Today rocked so much it hurts! *flails about like a complete FagOnCrack! Er... what?! XDD Despite the fact that it started out oh so craptastic. Ok, here's the story. The drama club from the community college that I go to was supposed to go be complete and utter DORKS at the Renaissance Faire today. Buuuuuuuut? Yeah, how about my ride never shows up? Doesn't call, doesn't text, doesn't show. Nothing. I only figured he probably wasn't coming because James, the OTHER person he was supposed to give a ride to called me and asked if Adam had picked me up yet. Now, Adam was supposed to pick James up before he picked me up and James lives about forty five minutes from me. So seeing as ten minutes after he was supposed to meet me, he hadn't even met James, I kind of figured he wasn't going to show up. What is it with me and making friends with people like this? XD
Sooooo, my dad drove me to the faire, dropped me off, and went home while I wandered around in hopes of meeting up with someone I knew. I didn't, but that's ok because I spend way more money then I should have instead! OMFG I have a SWORD!? Yeeeeees! Yes, I do! And a poncy ass hat with a feather in it AAAAAAND??? A DRUM! Oh WHAT the FUCK!? XD It's all pretty and green and musicical! And I luff it! Took me at least half an hour to decide which one I wanted, but I'm VERY happy with it. With all of my purchases actually. They were all big, but they where all things I really wanted and really will use.
I poke your lens EYE out now!
I know it looks like velvet or something, but it's leather.
Is it just me, or is there something... different about me in this picture?
HURR HURR Can you feel the GAY?
My god, it's just fucking GORGEOUS!
The sword is actually incredibly dull because it's not meant for real fighting. It's meant for stage combat, but that's probably better for me to start with anyway.