Further Foto Fun

Oct 02, 2006 20:27

Pfft! What ARE you talking about?! I DESPISE alliteration! XD However, on the off chance that I'm lying, I blame my father. But regardless of my possible fondness for various literary devices, you are about to wittness my visual artistic side. When I got my digital camera for my birthday I was mostly looking forward to using the filming portion of it. Little did I know that I would not only fall in love with still photography, but (if I do say so myself) have a bit of a talent for it as well. Hopefully. So here are some of my more recent works of art. I plan to look into putting some of them on display at a local coffee shop, who knows, I might even manage to make some money off of them. :)

A few of these I fiddled with a bit in Photoshop to get the colors a bit more dramatic, but for the most part I left most of them alone. Most of these are from right around where I live, but a few are from my vacation in Maine earlier this summer.

The off amount of light in the background is because this is on a pond and the light is reflecting off the water.

This was originally in color, but I really like the affect of it in B&W.

I'm rather annoyed at how blurry this came out, because I'll probably NEVER be able to get that lighting again.

You probably can't tell, but that's a cranberry bog. Cranberries being pretty much the only produce to come from Cape Cod.

Same pond from the first photo, I just love the rays of light!

And across the pond. I'm obbssessed with light shining into clearings like that. It makes me shiver.

Caused by little rivers of water running back out at low tide. I thought it looked sort of like an arial shot of a river.

Gods, don't you wish that was the view from YOUR house? It's not the view from mine, I was tresspassing. Shhh...

I tried enhancing the colors in this, but I actually like it better this way.

A little bit blurry, a little bit color enhanced, a little bit slimy. He's watching you...

I don't know what it is about this deserted swing set, but I love it.

That's probably enough for now. I'll get around to uploading them all to my DevaintArt account at some point.


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