
Jul 29, 2008 11:38

Whatever the heck this is, I need to see it. If only to find out WTF is going on.

And I really need to stop trying to find release dates for stuff when I know I'm not going to find anything. DX

Also, Radiant Mythology 2 looks sooo much better than the first one. Prettier, more customisation for your character and more Tales characters = win. Though I hope they keep the original ones in there too, I need my Kratos and Chester. Not sure about Tales of Hearts though. The CG cutscenes looks pretty but... it doesn't look Tales. It irks me. XD; I really like the random flying whale though lolol.

Also TotA anime is winnnnn even though Mieu's colour is icky but I'm sure I'll get over it.

radiant mythology, tales of the abyss, tales of hearts, tales of symphonia, anime, release dates, damn you namco

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