Jul 23, 2008 20:50
Thanks to everyone who replied to my last post, even if I didn't necessarily reply to you~ I talked the problem out and I'm feeling a lot better now. Still a lot going on RP-wise but we've agreed to take it easy after all the intense plotting is finished and I still may or may not take a hiatus just to refresh myself. I mean I haven't taken a hiatus ONCE since I've been at DDD and I've been there for like... 9 months now. XD; But we'll see. Chances are I wouldn't be able to keep a proper hiatus anyway. XDD I think it just seemed more overwhelming with all the other stuff going on right now.
In other news, still looking for a job *sigh*. I have actually started randomly dropping off CVs now, which I should have done ages ago but yeah, I procrastinate like woah. ^^; I really want a job in Nauticalia. A lot. Even if my friend who apparently works there says it's not that great, it's such a cool shop. XD And I need money, especially if I'm going to start sending stuff off abroad~
ALSO, because I haven't said it yet - THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE HEADER ON MY LAYOUT ANGEL!!! <333
And I've been feeling ill over the last few days and still feeling it now. I thought maybe it was just the heat/stickyness + stress or something but now I'm not so sure. Massive headaches and general tiredness/dizzyness even though I've been sleeping pretty well recently. (Well... maybe not last night.) And I just... generally don't feel well. I had a bit of a sore throat earlier too, so I guess it could be a virus. I know one's been going around (not thinking of you Laney >.>).
Um... yeah. I think that's all I've got to say for now. XD; My brain is fuzzy.