Generally I love snow, Monday morning I was walking round with big grin on my face enjoying the sight of the most white stuff I've seen in years.Snow and sun - perfect for walking out in, some piccies from earlier this week:
We did a long walk Monday round lakes near where we live. First was Liepnitzsee
and Wandlitzsee
haven't walked so far in ages either but it looked so good everywhere, just kept going, until it was dark and we were very cold and wet.
Couldn't resist also going to see the gate and Reichstag with snow too!
And the next day to Tegeler See
Got to admit though, after 5 days with snow and it looking like staying around for a bit, I'm tiring of it. Plus when its been walked on too much it doesn't look so nice, just gets slippy and cold. We've had temps down to -20 this week too, even our cats don't want to go out, they put their heads out the cat flap then come back inside quickly. I'm told its rare to get temps quite this cold, I do hope so otherwise I'm going to start campaigning for global warming!