
G-L-O-V-E... Glove

Feb 18, 2005 14:24

People don’t fall in love
Love is not a helpless state
Love is a choice
Happiness is a commitment
It’s not a monetary value
It’s not some sort of instruction
It’s not the fountain of youth
It’s not a high
It’s not an altered state of any kind
It’s not an achieved state
Its just is what it is
As depressing as that may or may not sound
It is
And its here
For people to seek
For people to realize
For people to accept
For people to commit
For people to let it flow
Let it be
And if we allow it to be what it is, then it will flourish
But love is a commitment
Happiness is family
Happiness is friendships
Happiness is laughter
Happiness is experiencing and learning from unhappy times
So that it may be fully appreciated when happiness comes back
So I’m no going to fall
Im not going to going to be held liable for my own discontent
I’m not going to pledge to myself
I’m not going to promise myself that I will make myself happy
I am already happy
We all already know how happy we can be,
Now it’s just up to us to make those decisions that will prolong and stabilize those feelings…
And most importantly share those feelings
At least that’s what I strive to do anyways,
But from my experience
I see a culture full of selfish pleasure seekers
Addicted to this drug called “falling in love”
Acting just like a heroin addict
To get the good shit,
Build up a tolerance
And fein for more and more
Until they are a fuckin mess.
They wonder “why me”..
If you are falling
Don’t be surprised when you get hurt.
And if you’re feining,
Remember how addictions work,
An addiction to some idealistic state
That you’re mind will keep you from ever reaching.
I have yet to find someone who see things as I do… I am truly an orginal.. lol.. yea sure.

I hate the idea of falling in love. This is supposed to sound all romantic and sweet, but it’s really a state of ignorant helplessness. To me it is much more romantic and meaningful to tell someone that you have chosen to love them rather than tripped on a boulder and uncontrollably fell into a 20ft deep well of love. To say I could have chosen anyone, but I didn’t, I chose you and will continue to choose you forever is so much more pure. Love is an active choice and if you’re scared and constantly running from it then you deserve to fall, cuz when you fall you get hurt. But you are supposed to learn from your mistakes, after you’ve fallen once you watch much more carefully so as to refrain from doing it again.

Happiness, from a Buddhist perspective is attained through elimination of desires. I think this has a lot of validity to it. Allow me to construct a long drawn out metaphor from a drug addict perspective. You start ingesting a chemical in your body that alters the way your body functions. The body’s response is to counteract that effect by producing opposite effects. (Caffeine increases all your functions; body’s response is to produce opposite effect to begin to bring you down) After more and more ingestion the body gains a tolerance and you need more and more to get the same effects (All of a sudden I feel the need to get a double espresso this time) And most importantly withdrawal is a BITCH and to some degree unhealthy (damn, I didn’t get a chance to run by the bucks this morning, fuck I feel like shit, I don’t remember it being this hard before I started drinking coffee). An alcoholic can’t just stop drinking. The body has changed its function to account for the alcohol-infested “downer” environment. For an alcoholic to all of a sudden stop drinking would be overload on the organs without the downer effects of the alcohol. That’s why a lot of alcoholics have heart attacks when they quit drinking. Same goes for antidepressants that raise chemical levels, and once again the body responds by trying to reduce levels. To all of a sudden stop taking the medication would result in worse depression than before you began taking medication. This is a destructive cycle that leads to continuously wanting and needing more and more and more. Trying to immediately eliminate it is just as destructive.

This illustration can be applied to metaphorically represent other human desires, such as wealth, possessions, and most notably-Love and Happiness. More and more never makes us happier, it just brings us back to the level we were primarily at before we became numb to current levels. It is a destructive path! But the weaning down and elimination of these desires gets rid of the addiction and dependencies and therefore we can attain happiness without being held down by obsessions, cravings, and dependencies.

So what does this have to do with love? Love is a drug. People think love should be and should feel a certain way based on what we are made to believe in movies and songs. Then we feel it for ourselves. And for a while it is absolutely amazing. It is a high. But then it fades… we don’t feel those butterflies anymore; we don’t get that same excitement. So what is our response? The fuckin druggie response; either we experience withdrawal from the fading effects of this altered state (the unhappy husband, wife, bf, gf, whathaveyou) or we seek out the stronger shit (the “I’m not a relationship person”) …. Of course in rare cases there is the super evolved highly aware folks that realize all of this, and have found ways to control their cravings and accept love for what it is and how it works.---unfortunately there are not much of us out there.. oh yea I said it.. im super evolved bitches.. look out…I’m from the moon…

But anyways back to happiness. From a neurological/bio psych point of view all emotions/moods are due to the levels of certain psychoactive chemicals in the brain and their effect on neurotransmitters and synapses throughout the brain, which further induces the release of more chemicals and hormones making up our perception that influence our behaviors. It is fascinating how these processes work and especially how foreign chemicals like alcohol, antidepressants, and psychoactive drugs alter this state. But back to happiness, so if we experience our world of happiness on a scale relative to our endorphin levels then it suggests that biologically we have a “default setting” for our happiness. That’s how I see it. Like default settings, you can adjust your levels with various external sources, but that damn machine always has a tendency to go back to the default when tampered with. It is a balance! That your body has already determined for you. I think it is a relief for me to understand and be aware of this. Rather than depressing me, now I don’t have to consume myself with wondering if ill ever reach some idealistic state or worry about becoming an addict for the cause.

So I guess what I’m saying is that too much hope for a future full of eternal bliss is probably not good. Hope is an optimistic state of mind, and optimism is great, but like just about everything else in this world; too much is just as bad as too little.

This world and life in general is all about a balance. Those kooky Asians with their Taoism realized this oooh so long ago in Chinese history with the philosophy of the Yin-Yang. The Yin and Yang are different in every way, they oppose each other, but at the same time are complimentary. The complex living organism has evolved to mastering the idea of balance of concentration gradients, and functional aspects like all that jive in the long ass metaphor.

The Hope for change, or excitement for the future, the unknown, and the process of growing/aging is different then a hopeful mindset for some utopian future. Its ok to have that. I have hope for the future. I am excited to see where life takes me, and how all things will play out. But I’m not riding on a drug addicts dream boat hoping to reach some uncharted island that some legend promises “the good shit” aplenty.

This kind of pessimism or indifference in my tone would kill some peoples hope, but despite my own realization of this I am still as happy as I can be and through my acceptance I can work to improve my world one block at a time.

Fuck.. I haven’t gotten high in a while… .. .
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