I do not handle criticism well.

May 11, 2008 01:03

Italy was amazing, of course, and that will be recounted shortly at the travel journal. In the meantime, the pictures are up at Flickr if you want to take a look-see.

It only took a day for me to throw my sleeping schedule completely off again.

I just got off of Facebook and reading other people's status updates. Quite a few of them are from fellow UC students either listing where they currently are in their travels or talking about leaving Bordeaux (incidentally, mine says: Isabel has mere weeks left before returning state-side.) But what was most startling to me is the sheer number of graduation updates. This whole idea of leaving school has completely thrown me.

I naturally hit the space bar with my right thumb, but a while ago when I started trying to switch to my left thumb, my typo count has gone up exponentially.


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