You guys, I made dinner for my host family tonight! Granted, hostmom told me what to do and made sure I didn't screw up, but I
made a tuna quiche. I'm going to post the recipe on
la-poo soon, if I can still remember it.
In other news, classes have started so my month-and-a-half long vacation has finally ended. Also, as of yesterday, I've been in France for a month. It's kind of hard to believe that just a few weeks ago I couldn't even conceive of a life in France. In a week or two, I should have a set class schedule and a daily routine.
I was looking at the Oscar nominations again and now I think that if there ever was a year that I wouldn't missing the Oscars, this would be it. I'm slowly falling out of the loop with it comes to movies. That's one thing I look forward to getting back into when I'm in the USA again.
Les Liens du sang comes out next week, I think. Ever since Vanessa and I randomly watched La Clef a month ago, we've become obsessed with
Guillaume Canet because, well, he's beautiful. And he was in that terrible (but I still like it) Leonardo DiCaprio movie The Beach. I'm happy I've found someone to fangirl over. He deserves a tag.
Also random, but my inner-English major geek spazzed when I found out about
Love and Virtue. Even if no one really cares about "La Chanson de Roland" or "Orlando Innamorato," I still hope this is going to be really good. Yay for more epic adaptations!
ETA I totally forgot "Lost" starts tonight back in the USA. It's going to be so damn hard to try to avoid spoilers.
Also, HI YOU GUYS. I actually miss spending an hour or so just reading the flist. Aww.