Jun 09, 2005 16:27

Quick update.

So things are -kinda- starting to get better. Corey's mom called me two days ago and offered to help me out with the whole citation situation since she works at the courthouse and knows some good lawyers. It's just gonna cost me $50.00 and the guy is gonna try and get it dismissed for me. Me and Paul are moving into the new apartment in about a week and a half (the 18th)...should be fun. I've decided to finally quit smoking, and I had my last cig last night. I'll probably make the occasional exception when I drink...it's hard not to smoke when you drink, but no more smoking otherwise. I'm also cutting down on how much and how often I drink. Financially I'm still fucked, but that's one of the reasons I decided to quit smoking...it's too expensive. That's all I can think of right now. Life still sucks, but it's finally making a turn for the best. Kinda.

haha...and apparently I'm a genius. Woo!

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