Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone....

Dec 19, 2004 01:59

Where have I been? Natalie wasn't the only person to ask me that. Well here is a break down of December for everyone.

Haven't been on UGO which sucks my ass cause I enjoy being on there but the withdrawl is getting better. Nightsweats were bad though.

My mum is back in ICU. Her bowels are no longer functioning so they have her tubed. We are trying to get a day pass for Christmas she is really depressed so my level of happiness has been nil lately.

Computer has a virus so I get booted from the net every two minutes or so if I am lucky I can manage about 20 minutes of chat without crashing.

Work has me working overtime as usual. Plus the phones at home for haircuts have been of the hook ringing.

I have been laid up with a hacking choking cold for the last two weeks.

I have found a new forum I am liking from the Barbados which I have been chatting on.

I am finding my friends have not had the need to talk to me except Natalie. She is the only one left.

um..tis about it.
So when Christmas is over..I will be back ripping the net up..love you all and I am off on Wednesday so I will be on all day!!!! yaa!!
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