Going back on past words

Feb 05, 2006 02:05

Ok hello journal.

I've said somethings that I might go back on. To me when you turn about 13 or so (age depends on the person) I believe that your mind and heart are disconnected from eachother. And until you become a true adult it stays that way. So you're thoughts kinda scatter and are thrown around left and right. And you're hearts emotions are lost and can't find reason to anything.

So what that was before was my emotions scrambling around lost and sad. Love does exist. I know it does. I've felt it before. And I believe in hope also. Because I believe in God. And so I know that hope exists also.

So to anyone who reads this please understand that sometimes my emotions speak words that don't have reason. I mean I have a reason for saying them, but the logic is lost.

Anyway I just thought I'd straighten that out.

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