He will be in my thoughts, as will you. Did Brandon tell you about dinner on Tuesday night? I hope you'll come. Miss you... Love ya hunny and I'm here if you need!!!
Hey Chick. Are you busy this sunday? I got fliers for Chris's show for $8. He'd really like for you to come and Brandobuster could come to if he would like. Yeah you should come and hang. It would NEATIO! CAll me girl. MUCH LOVE!!!
chances are that he will be a survivor. you've known about it long enough and he's not too old to go through chemo, like my grandma, who was just last week given 6 months to a year because they can't remove the cancer in her lungs. and he's not like my grandpa who had leukemia in his bone marrow and couldn't get a transplant, even so my grandpa was given 3 months to live and he stayed with us for 3 more years.
it has always been good to see your dad because, well, it means he's survived so far
Comments 5
it has always been good to see your dad because, well, it means he's survived so far
call me.
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