I'll Be Yours (A Love Story) [Ch 6/?]

Jan 18, 2011 20:19

Title: I'll Be Yours (A Love Story) [Ch 6/?]
Continuity: Comics!verse AU, based on post-Crisis continuity.
Rating: Very M.
This chapter-
Characters/Pairings: Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne... and Surprise Guest
Word Count: 2454
Summary: Dick comes to a decision about what to do with his life.
Warnings: Discussion of death, some ( Read more... )

batfamily, batman, i'll be yours, fanfic, dick grayson, writey, batfic, scary!timmy

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Comments 22

harechan January 19 2011, 07:01:53 UTC
Ahhhh... My heart is all achy and broken for Dick. ;_;
But yaaaaaaaaaay! Jason! I had to upload a Robin!Jay icon to celebrate.

Wonderful chapter as always, dear.


Appropriate icon is appropriate zolac_no_miko January 19 2011, 07:07:32 UTC
Ohmigod I am so very excited that I've reached the part of the story that has Jason in it. *bounces*

Thank you~. <3


Re: Appropriate icon is appropriate harechan January 20 2011, 04:10:50 UTC
Awww. Your icon is so cute... I freaking love those comics.
I'm excited that you've reached the part with Jason. I've never been a big Jason fan, but Tumblr (and the LJ DC community) has made me seen the errors of my ways.

You're welcome. <3


zolac_no_miko January 20 2011, 06:10:37 UTC
Ahhhhh I freaking love those comics too! And I freaking love my icons. ^_^

Of the Robins, he's the one I know the least well (and when the hell did I get to know Steph and Damo well enough that that's true?), but I find him terribly interesting, and I look forward to getting to know him much better immediately. Immediately, because now I have to put down my Timmy comics for a little and read some Jason comics, for character research, since I've gone and written him into my story, fffff. I'm forced to admit that, while I do love him, my excitement has less to do with Jason being his awesome self and more to do with Timmy's opinions on the matter. *whistles innocently*


sinisterf January 19 2011, 10:01:00 UTC
Yay! Jason! LOL.


sinisterf January 19 2011, 10:02:24 UTC
Ok. I just realized that was not at all coherent. I was just really excited.

Poor Dick... such a hard thing to go through and Bruce, being Bruce doesn't help at all.

Also, I really hope it is not little Timmy who is murdering people and removing parts of their bodies... *is creeped out*


zolac_no_miko January 19 2011, 12:57:06 UTC
Hee hee, excited incoherency is a compliment, I'll take it! I'm really excited about Jason too, omg.

Yeah.... : \ *ruffles poor Dickie's hair* Ah well, it's a tough time for him, but it's an important time, too. All little Robins must leave the nest someday, even if they have to be shoved out kicking and screaming.

Lalalalala, no comment~. *whistles innocently*


larsinger29 January 19 2011, 15:36:20 UTC
Part of me feels sorry for Dick, but the other part is exhilarated to see him striking out on his own and remaking himself! I love your take on how this all happened, as well as the idea that Dick would have gone back to the circus for a year to "find himself".

Yay for Jason being introduced to this 'verse! I can't wait to see what you do with his character!

Terrific job, as always! I'm looking forward to more and to see how Timmy reacts to the addition of Jason!


zolac_no_miko January 19 2011, 16:12:31 UTC
Yeah, Dick's transition from Robin to Nightwing is always kind of a bittersweet affair, especially Post-Crisis. It's... unfortunate that it happened the way it did, but it's necessary and, after everything, good for him. So I wanna give him a hug, but I'm happy for him, too.

One of my most important resources and influences in this story is Nightwing: Year One, which is an excellent story that I higly recommend to everyone. I've made a lot of changes in the specifics, but at least in these early chapters I've used N:Y1 as a backbone around which to build the general outline of the Dick Grayson portions of my story. In N:Y1, as in my story, Dick goes back to Haly's Circus for some months and works as an aerialist. I took the part about his circus costume being a remake of one his father used to wear, and him modifying it to create the Nightwing costume, from that story as well.

Yay Jason! I was so excited to finally get to the Jason bit. :DD

Thank you so much, hon! I'm looking forward to writing it~!


realpestilence January 21 2011, 22:36:19 UTC
I never had too much of a problem with Bruce firing Dick (or anybody else, for that matter), per se. He's got the right to decide who he works with. I just thought he could have freakin' TOLD the guy it wasn't because he failed or anything, but because Bruce was too worried about him; and he definitely shouldn't have kept the Robin name for his gee-what-a-surprise-another-one sidekick. That name was Dick's.

I think if Bruce had handled it better, they wouldn't have been so estranged for so long; and Dick would have been much more involved with Jason, both personally and in his training...and ~that's what makes a successful Robin. It's no coincidence that Dick was more heavily involved with Tim and Damian than with Jason and Stephanie, and the results they achieved and how they worked with Bruce (or not).

I hope he still goes by Nightwing. It's a cool name. :D


zolac_no_miko January 21 2011, 23:11:20 UTC
Oh yes, he will be Nightwing. I've got no reason to change that. :D


thegodoftigers January 19 2011, 17:22:55 UTC
I love this... STalkerTim is Stalkitive :) I0ve never read Tim's robin (or Jason) But I've been reading Dick!Batman and I know the relationship from some good fanfics.

I love this story... it's so intertesting as well :)

LOL Dick is awesome but had worse fashion sense (Robin and FirstNigtwing outfit XD)...

Can't wait too see more tim...


zolac_no_miko January 19 2011, 17:47:58 UTC
Heehee, Stalkitive indeed~! Thank you so much, I'm glad you're enjoying this!

When it comes to Robins, Dick was definitely my first great love. I'm only getting to know the others really well more recently, but I adore Tim just as much as Dick now.

Lol, Dick really did have terrible fashion sense! I have to facepalm here because I really prefer Dick's most recent Nightwing costume, but I'm essentially writing a 1980s storyline here... so disco-collar it is! XDD;

I'll have some more Timmy for you next chapter~!


realpestilence January 24 2011, 00:06:55 UTC
I don't think Dick had terrible fashion sense, generally speaking. It's just that his clothes were all very contemporary-and so they date worse than the blander suits/classic dress outfits than some other characters wore. Let's face it, if we all look at some of the stuff we wore over the last few decades, none of us look too good, lol. But it was what was fashionable.

I mean, I was hardly a happenin' chick, but I will admit to having a gaucho suit in sixth grade. A LONG TIME AGO, OK?


magusronin January 19 2011, 23:24:31 UTC
Oh Timy creeping around in the background being evil, and Bruce not having time to be bothered, and then having the gall to blame Dick for him not having the time.

That's right Dick you've got the backbone you don't need Robin, you could be a hero free of the Bat's shadow.

And I'll add my; YAY Jason! Oh Bruce, you have no idea what's in store for you poor boy.


zolac_no_miko January 20 2011, 00:05:21 UTC
Yeah, Bruce can be kind of an ass. ^_^;

Hee~! I'm glad the excitement for Jason is universal! I know I'm excited~!


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