Is it really true?

Oct 16, 2009 21:36

sgabigbang status report: 75 610 words. Done, edited and submitted.

Thank you, gang! Remind me to never do this again, will you?

meep!, happy happy joy joy, yay!, writey things, sgabigbang

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Comments 25

fanarts_series October 16 2009, 19:47:45 UTC
Congrats !!!!
*Thank you, gang! Remind me to never do this again, will you?*

Never do this again until next time, we're so addict, impossible to resist.


zinfic October 17 2009, 11:21:54 UTC
Last SGA BB, how could I resist? Almost a bit of a relief. Unless someone else picks up the challenge next year, I won't have to :) Thanks!


lenyia October 16 2009, 19:58:01 UTC

Looking forward to read it :)


zinfic October 17 2009, 11:22:07 UTC
Thank you! I hope it'll be worth reading...


mezzo_cammin October 16 2009, 20:13:52 UTC
Now why would we ever do something silly like that and deprive ourselves of long, plotty Zinfic? Hmmmmm?


zinfic October 17 2009, 11:22:24 UTC
To protect my sanity?


mezzo_cammin October 17 2009, 11:55:32 UTC
Well, when you put it like that...Big Bang? What Big Bang. ::::applies duct tape to own mouth:::: mmmrrpph


zinfic October 17 2009, 12:06:29 UTC
Heh. Well, it wasn't like I had much to begin with... *struggles against straightjacket*


sgamadison October 16 2009, 22:37:07 UTC
*Last Big Bang Ever*

You *had* to do this. And I can't wait to see the end result here. Whoot! I'm so glad big bang goes live next month!


zinfic October 17 2009, 11:23:51 UTC
I can't wait until I get to read all the stories! Now I just have to try to let the damn thing go or I'll spend the next weeks angsting over all the typos I've surely missed to correct...

Yay for us!


sgamadison October 17 2009, 12:29:50 UTC
I know what you mean! I've tried to close my eyes to it myself and pretend it doesn't exist anymore but I've already sent one 'oh wait!' post to the mods.

*hangs head and then grins a little*


zinfic October 17 2009, 13:21:32 UTC
Time to let our babies go *sniff*

At least now we get two weeks to breathe before NaNo.


rellan October 16 2009, 23:07:35 UTC
Never do this again this year. ;)


zinfic October 17 2009, 11:24:38 UTC
Absolutely not. Just NaNo left. And sga_santa. And the fleece challenge....


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