Title: Upon The Ice
Pairings: Jimmy/Robert
Rating: G (seriously)
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: I don't own Led Zeppelin because the time of slavery has passed.
Summary: Jimmy is jealous that he doesn't have anyone to spend the holidays with.
Authors Note: I am so quick with challenges. It was actually difficult in trying to get 200 words.
Slick colors glow through plastic hooked up to small electrical bellies; artificial pine trees litter the landscape around the ice. Light holiday music mingles in the background, unnoticed by squawking chatter of the nameless crowd. Those feelings of happiness don’t transfer to the man on the bench.
Slumping against one park bench, alternating between taking long drags on a cigarette and taking in the warmth of balmy chocolate, legs crossed and doing his right foot in a taping motion that suggests he could be irate. Jimmy would never admit it, but he is jealous. He doesn’t have a corporeal reason to rebuff these jealous insecurities. He’s neutral in watching his bandmates glide around the frozen particles. Jonesy possessed gauche balance, Bonzo guffawing at the spectacle. Jimmy should have known his flaxen-haired singer possessed gracefulness on the ice.
Couples glided along the ice, staring in love. Jimmy wanted what they had, but wouldn‘t dare to go on the ice. A shadow loomed beside him, a mane of curls edging into his view.
“Y’know, it’s nice to skate, but I’d rather be sitting here with you.”
Jimmy smiles, accepting the warm comfort of Robert sitting with him, fingers lacing with his own.