TF_SPEEDWRITING - Prompt: The Definition of Family

Aug 29, 2011 19:34

Faux Kin
Rating: PG
Warnings: Alludes to PLOT
Time taken: 17 minutes.
Length:  134 words (7.82 wpm)  I still write slowly.
Character: Skywarp, Thundercracker, mentions Starscream
Continuity: G1/IDW/AU PRE-CANON

“-and after all of that, we’re left with an Iacon flunker? And he’s s’posed to be our leader? He’s not anything like what I’d imagine a winglord to be like.”

“Skywarp…” A blue seeker shook his head at his companion, “he’s not supposed to be the winglord*. Vos isn’t going to get a winglord- not any time soon; that groundling council in Iacon’ll make sure of it - if they’re naming any seeker a ‘prince,’ or anything else, it’s either because he’s broken, or ‘cause he’s a flunk-y as well as a flunk-er.”

“Yeah, but at least he’s a Seeker, right? You gotta be all for that.”

“Sure I am. That’s why they’ve got him- and the same reason they wanna try and put him in something looking like a trine.”

“…Maybe he’ll be nice.”

*Contextually: Fairytale king.

transformers, seekers, fic

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