Exciting things!

Aug 24, 2016 11:02

Hello new friends from the recent friending meme! (And everyone else, of course!) As you've probably deduced by now I don't post all that often, however, today exciting things have happened!

Firstly, my spn_summergen gift was posted today and it is wonderful! I submitted my prompts early, before the season finale, so most of them were about how to deal with ( Read more... )

art rec, writing, chit chat

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Comments 12

dancing_adrift August 24 2016, 01:14:04 UTC
Ahhh! First spn_writing discussion!!! I'm never going to get anything done with all the cool stuff that's going on! Lol. *rushes off to read discussion topic* :D


zara_zee August 24 2016, 02:08:42 UTC
And left the first comment on it too! :D


twnchesterangel August 24 2016, 01:29:54 UTC
oooohh! I love all the stuff happening on LJ. I'm so not a tumblr girl and I love the way people can have an actual discussion here. So yay for new discussion!! Ok, I'm off to check out the art. :) Thanks for the update! *hugs*


zara_zee August 24 2016, 02:10:47 UTC
Yeah, I never really got into Tumblr either. It's alright for looking at pictures and meme type things, but for detailed discussion...it doesn't really work for me. I just don't like the format. Hope you enjoy the discussion and the art! :)


supernutjapan August 24 2016, 04:37:30 UTC
The artwork was beautiful <3 and ...you've finally convinced me to join the comm:P


zara_zee August 24 2016, 08:04:52 UTC
It really was. ♥ And...yay! :)


amberdreams August 24 2016, 07:05:55 UTC
Your summergen art was fab! I think I know who the artist is...

Ooh discussion! I'll check that out later when I get back from a family day out in Chester!


zara_zee August 24 2016, 08:07:56 UTC
Wasn't it just?

I think I know who the artist is

Really? I have no idea! But then Deb is just about the only artist whose work I can reliably pick out of a line up! I'm looking forward to finding out who did this in the reveals! :D


amberdreams August 24 2016, 21:55:37 UTC
I think you would have difficulty spotting this artist anyway, if I'm right they usually write, rather than art... :D


madebyme_x August 24 2016, 12:32:56 UTC
You summergen art is soooo cool, and I I'm hoping to pop over to spn_writing when I have some more free time. I'm loving all this excitement and activity!


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