Being an Ignorant is a Sin

Aug 04, 2011 07:08

Today I’ve seen how cruel society is to those unfortunate and weak. Earlier, I passed by a middle-aged, naked woman sitting on the sidewalk opposite the Amigo Mall. She seems to be having a mental problem (who else in their right mind would be sitting naked in the middle of the street?!). She’s sitting looking confused with the obvious traces of ( Read more... )

mall, philippines, amigo, experience

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Comments 3

usagi_goes_pyon August 4 2011, 08:18:58 UTC
That's horrible..... D:


yuuri_diane August 4 2011, 13:57:33 UTC
yeah, indeed! :(((


usagi_goes_pyon August 5 2011, 06:52:47 UTC


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