Tag Set reopened

Oct 04, 2013 13:40

The tag set has been reopened for vetting. As it was unclear which problems should go in the form, the form will remain closed and all problems should be noted in the comments of this post ( Read more... )

admin, tag set review

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not_unwise October 4 2013, 18:01:22 UTC
Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate Fantastic 4, Ultimate X-Men and The Ultimates have all be merged into "Marvel Ultimates" even though they're all separate series with different characters and different readers. This startles me because it's generally understood that comic book series are separate, and things that overlap like Batgirl and Red Robin were still left separate after being nominated separately ( ... )


rekallthegreat October 4 2013, 23:04:47 UTC
The lists should probably be broken up like this.

Ultimate Spider-Man
Aaron Davis (Ultimates)
Ganke Lee (Ults)
Gwen Stacy (Ults)
Jefferson Davis (Ultimates)
Jessica Drew (Ultimates)
Johnny Storm (Ultimates)
Judge (Ultimates)
Kate Bishop (Ultimates)
Maria Hill (Ultimates)
Mary Jane Watson (Ultimates)
May Parker (Ultimates)
Miles Morales (Ultimates)
Rio Morales (Ultimates)
Tandy Bowen (Ultimates)
Tyrone "Ty " Johnson (Ultimates)

Marvel Ultimates
Monica Chang (Ultimates)
Pietro Maximoff (Ultimateverse)
Sam Wilson (Ultimates)
Susan Storm (Ultimates)
Wanda Maximoff (Ultimateverse)
Carol Danvers (Ultimates)
Janet Pym (Ultimates)

Johnny Storm is the only one I'm not entirely sure of. Looking at his list of appearances though ( http://marvel.wikia.com/Category:Jonathan_Storm_%28Earth-1610%29/Appearances ) he is in Ultimate Spider-Man quite a bit.


boxlawyer October 4 2013, 23:45:45 UTC
One way to solve the Johnny Storm issue might be to just put him into both categories and disambiguate him? It's a bit late now to try and find the nominator(s) and find out what they intended, given that signups are meant to be in a few days, and so the additional tag while undesirable would solve the issue as to which series he belongs in.


musesfool October 5 2013, 01:45:49 UTC

I agree with this break out, and also agree that Johnny should be in Utimate Spider-man, since he spends quite a number of issues living with Peter and Aunt May (and also that is how he was listed last year, when Ultimate Spider-man was correctly separated from Ultimates, and I matched on Peter & Johnny).


ketsundere October 4 2013, 23:28:18 UTC
Renaming the fandom would be a lot of work as all the characters would need to be manually re-associated



pedanther October 5 2013, 07:50:12 UTC
ketsundere October 5 2013, 08:10:29 UTC
A lot of work that wouldn't have to be done if the mods had not erroneously merged the fandoms together to begin with. It's not like this is a fan error that they're now unfairly begging the mods to fix.


pedanther October 5 2013, 08:27:10 UTC
ketsundere October 5 2013, 08:28:56 UTC

I'd probably be a little more sympathetic if I'd seen the mods even once apologize or, you know, even acknowledge that they made a mistake here.


cheshireempress October 5 2013, 19:36:43 UTC
I think it's a little disingenuous for the mods to complain about how much work it will be to fix a mistake they made by trying to second-guess nominations. I know they're in a difficult and unenviable position of having to try and determine eligibility for fandoms that aren't their own, especially given the twisted and byzantine nature of comics canon, but isn't that supposed to be what the open review period is for?

If all of the comics fandoms had been "merged" like this, and we'd been told that that was how comics would be handled from now on due to tag-bloat issues, that might be one thing. But that's not what happened-- pretty much every other comic nominated was accepted as a separate fandom, but the Ultimateverse comics were merged together, throwing together two canons with wildly differing tones and audiences. And the fans are being treated as if their request to have an upbeat YA-ish series separated from a grimdark Avengers AU (the way they nominated it in the first place! for that exact reason!) is somehow unreasonable.


canadian_plant October 5 2013, 00:48:03 UTC
As someone in one of those fandoms but not the other, I have to agree with the other commenters. We don't need anything renamed, we just need the two fandoms separated back to how they were originally nominated.


not_unwise October 5 2013, 02:25:58 UTC
All the comments made me think about all this and when I said you could rename the fandom to something that isn't a single series, I think I was wrong ( ... )


xueyie October 5 2013, 08:02:18 UTC
I see this decision to combine Ultimates and Ult. Spidr Man inconsistent and unwise. Just as what the others said, they're very different and self-contained. Ultimates is its own team, not an unbrella fandom. If the mod don't try to combine the Marvel 616 comics titles, (which I don't advocate) I see no reasons why the Ultimates and Ult. Spidrman have to be combined in this case. I hope you'll respect the wish of participants and fans like us.


amathela October 5 2013, 08:35:02 UTC
Commenting to add my +1 to those already here. Marvel Ultimates and Spider-Man (Ultimateverse) are two separate titles and should be listed as separate fandoms, as they were originally nominated. This is the case for every other comics title, so I see no reasons why these titles should be treated any differently.


ketsundere October 5 2013, 17:57:34 UTC
Just replying again because on a second scan-through of the tag list, I noticed that Dangan Ronpa and Super Danga Ronpa 2 are being considered two separate fandoms, despite the fact that the latter is a sequel to the former. They're even more connected than Marvel Ultimates and Ultimate Spider-Man, but they were let through separately. Which I'm not contesting. The different setting and character pool makes that a necessity for making requests and offers! I'm just wondering about the inconsistency.


dhampyresa October 5 2013, 20:12:51 UTC
I would also like to say that you should separate Ultimate Spider-Man from Ultimates. I was going to offer Ultimate Spider-Man (and will if it's separated), but will not offer Ultimates. I'm not the only in either this situation or the opposite one.

So, please, separate the fandoms.


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